More about crooked nose correction
What is crooked nose correction?
How does a crooked nose correction work?
Which criteria have to be to qualify for a crooked nose correction?
What are the advantages of a crooked nose correction?
Which risks are there with a crooked nose correction?
What costs can be expected in a crooked nose correction?
Crooked nose correction refers to a nose surgery (rhinoplasty) treatment aimed at straightening a crooked nose. In contrast to nasal tip correction, in which only the tip of the nose is reshaped, the correction of a crooked nose aims at restoring or optimizing the shape and function of the nose.
The crooked nose
The crooked nose refers to a form disorder of the outer nose. An asymmetrical form of the nasal bone or the cartilage of the nose occurs. The nose does not run straight along the vertical axis, but deviates to one side or is curved. An S-shaped curved nose is also referred to as a crooked nose. A crooked nose can be innate, but also as a result of an accident and injury. If the nasal bone is broken and grows back together wrong, it results in a crooked nose.
One cause of a crooked nose can be a crooked nasal septum.
In the run-up to the actual correction, patients are informed by their doctor about the possibilities and processes of crooked nose surgery. Their medical history and their wishes and expectations for the surgery are discussed in detail. In addition, extensive examinations of the inner and outer nose are performed to analyze and evaluate their current condition. This determines the later course of the procedure.
The actual surgery takes place under general anesthesia. The first step is to straighten the nasal septum. To achieve this, the plastic and cosmetic surgeon or ENT specialist gains access to the bone and cartilage of the nose so the formation of the nasal septum can be corrected and reconstructed.
The next step in this rhinoplasty is to cut through the bones of the nasal pyramid on the sides and then move them to the desired shape of the symmetrical midline. Next, the nasal tip and nasal bridge of the new nose are adjusted according to the design discussed in common.
Subsequently, special support elements are inserted into the nose, which allow optimal healing of the nose. These include films or foils and braces that are inserted over the straightened nasal septum and removed again within a maximum of two weeks after surgery. Finally, you will need to wear a special bandage and a plaster cast for about 10-14 days.
Nose correction is aimed at patients who suffer from functional and aesthetic or physical complaints of a crooked nose and want to have their nose straightened by a surgical operation. In addition to these factors, a crooked nose can also lead to obstruction of breathing, which can lead to frequent sinusitis. In order to perform a nasal septum operation, the curvature of the nasal septum must be clearly determined by an ENT specialist. In addition, the patient should be in physically healthy condition.
The main advantage of crooked nose correction is that professional and competent surgery can provide a complete improvement of the external aesthetics and the internal function of the nose.
The change of the inner and outer nose is considered the most elaborate or demanding surgery in the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery. For this reason, it is particularly important to select an experienced and professional specialist for this procedure.
One possible complication of the treatment is that it can lead to infections and bleeding in the nasal area after surgery. These symptoms can be effectively treated with appropriate ointments and medications.
What are the criteria for the choice of a doctor?
As already mentioned, crooked nose correction is one of the most technically demanding and complex operations of plastic and cosmetic surgery. There are only a few specialists who have the appropriate training and experience in Germany.
Only a specially trained surgeon with sufficient experience and expertise in the field of nose surgery can help you achieve the aesthetic result that you desire.
Only when a surgeon takes enough time to explain the background, the risks and the course of the operation, as well as individually planning the "new" nose with you, can you be sure that the results of your treatment will meet your expectations and wishes.
To set a flat rate for the operation is impossible. The costs incurred are composed of various factors.
There is a possibility that the costs of the crooked nose surgery be partially taken over by health insurance. However, this depends on your health insurance company and the individual findings and must be checked individually from case to case prior to the operation.